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How to Pick SEO-friendly URLs for Your Website

By Rauva

Published on 20 August 2024

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In the digital realm, a URL (which stands for "Uniform Resource Locator" - a fun fact for trivia nights!) acts as the online address of each page of your website, and is the complete web address you spot in your browser's address bar.

Let's break down a URL:

Combine the domain name and the slug, and voilà, you have the full URL. For this page, it's https://www.rauva.com/pick-url.

While the domain is the core of your online identity and one of the core tasks you need to do when setting up your website, URLs extend beyond this, and you'll need to create new URLs as you add new pages or blog posts to your website, and the URLs that you choose can impact how well you show up on the search engines.

So, let's help you with guidelines to craft URLs that not only resonate with your brand but are also SEO-friendly.

Top Tips for Picking an SEO-friendly URL

1. Keep It Short and Sweet

A concise URL is easier to remember, share, and type. Plus, it looks cleaner on search engine results pages (SERPs).

2. Use Keywords Strategically

Incorporate relevant keywords that describe your business or the content of the page. This helps search engines and users understand what your page is about.

3. Avoid Numbers and Special Characters

They can be confusing and are often misinterpreted by search engines and users. Stick to letters and hyphens.

4. Use Hyphens to Separate Words

Search engines read hyphens as spaces, making your URL more readable. For example, "best-coffee-shop" is better than "bestcoffeeshop".

5. Stick to Lowercase

URLs can be case-sensitive. To avoid any confusion, always use lowercase letters.

6. Avoid Dynamic URLs

Static URLs (those that don't change) are more SEO-friendly than dynamic ones (URLs that have parameters and can change).

7. Think Long-Term

Selecting a URL is crucial for SEO, and changing it later can be detrimental. Choose a URL that stands the test of time. For instance, if you're writing an article titled 'Best thing in 2023', you might be tempted to use a URL like 'www.yourwebsite.com/best-thing-2023'. However, if the article performs well, you'll likely want to update it for 2024. Changing the URL to match the updated title can hurt your search engine rankings. Instead, opt for a timeless URL like 'www.yourwebsite.com/best-thing'. This way, you can update the article's content over the years without impacting its online visibility.


Crafting the perfect URL is a blend of art and science. It's not just about aesthetics or branding—it's about ensuring your website is easily discoverable. By following these tips, you're setting a solid foundation for your online presence.


Can I change my URL later on?

While it's technically possible, changing your URL can negatively impact your SEO. It's best to choose wisely from the start.

How important are keywords in my URL?

Keywords help signal to search engines what your page is about. While they're beneficial, avoid keyword stuffing. Keep it natural.

Should I use my brand name in the URL?

Absolutely! Branding your URL can boost brand recognition and trust among users. If possible, aim for a domain like "rauva.com".

How does hosting relate to domain names? A: Think of your domain as your address and [hosting](https://rauva.com/blog/pick-hosting) as your home's actual space. You need both for a website. The domain directs visitors, while hosting is where your site's content lives.

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Written by Rauva

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