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Portuguese Tax Calendar 2024

By Bernardo Barbosa

Published on 12 April 2024

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With the New Year, many things change. However, the tax obligations of the Portuguese remain essentially the same. If you want your business to continue operating in compliance with the law in 2024, a tax calendar can be useful.

But what is a tax calendar? How does it work? And what tax obligations do Portuguese taxpayers have in 2024?

In the following lines, we'll analyze in detail all the reporting and payment obligations due to the Autoridade Atributária e Aduaneira (Portugal's tax authority) in the upcoming calendar year.

But first, let's see what your main payment and reporting obligations are for 2024:

Portuguese Tax Calendar 2024: Payment Obligations

These are the payment deadlines designated in the Portuguese fiscal calendar for 2024:

January 22ndPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
January 22ndStampPayment of paid tax
January 25thVATPayment of the monthly scheme
January 31stIUCPleasure craft and aircraft
February 20thPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
February 20thStampPayment of paid tax
February 26thVATPayment of the monthly scheme
February 26thVATPayment of the quarterly scheme
March 20thPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
March 20thStampPayment of paid tax
March 25thVATPayment of the monthly scheme
April 22ndPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
April 22ndStampPayment of paid tax
April 26thVATPayment of the monthly scheme
May 20thPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
May 20thStampPayment of paid tax
May 27thVATPayment of the monthly scheme
May 27thVATPayment of the quarterly scheme
May 31stIMIPayment for the previous year
May 31stCITFinal payment by entities with a tax period coinciding with the calendar year
June 20thPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
June 20thStampPayment of paid tax
June 25thVATPayment of the monthly scheme
July 22ndPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
July 22ndStampPayment of paid tax
July 22ndPITPayments on account
July 25thVATPayment of the monthly scheme
July 31stCITPayments on account
July 31stCITAdditional payment on account of the state
September 2ndPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
September 2ndStampPayment of paid tax
September 2ndIMIPayment for the previous year
September 20thPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
September 20thStampPayment of paid tax
September 20thPITPayments on account
September 25thVATPayment of the monthly scheme
September 25thVATPayment of the quarterly scheme
September 30thCITPayments on account
September 30thCITAdditional payment on account of the state
September 30thIMIAdditional tax
October 21stPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
October 21stStampPayment of paid tax
October 25thVATPayment of the monthly scheme
November 20thPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
November 20thStampPayment of paid tax
November 25thVATPayment of the monthly scheme
November 25thVATPayment of the quarterly scheme
December 2ndIMIPayment for the previous year
December 16thCITPayments on account
December 16thCITAdditional payment on account of the state
December 20thPIT-CITPayments of amounts withheld at source
December 20thStampPayment of paid tax
December 20thPITPayments on account
December 26thVATPayment of the monthly scheme

Note: All IUC payments related to vehicles that are not pleasure craft and aircraft must be paid in the month of registration (before its end).

Portuguese Tax Calendar 2024: Reporting Obligations

These are the deadlines for submitting tax declarations in Portugal in 2024:

January 2nd-31stPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents
January 5thPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
January 10thPIT-CIT-VATMonthly remuneration statement
January 22ndVATPeriodic statement
January 22ndVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
January 22ndVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers (quarterly)
January 22ndStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
January 31stIECSubmission of a declaration relating to the release of tobacco products for consumption to the customs office
February 5thPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
February 12thPITMonthly remuneration statement
February 15thPITCommunication of income for transfer of permanent residence to the interior
February 15thIMIShare of rents from leased urban buildings
February 20thVATPeriodic statement
February 20thVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
February 20thStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
February 20thVATPeriodic statement (quarterly)
February 24thPITDeclaration mod. 10
February 26thPITCommunication of the elements or termination of long-term rental contracts
February 26thPITQuerying and updating household data
February 26thPITSending proof of attendance at an educational establishment
February 26thPITCommunication of education expenses in the interior or autonomous regions
February 26thPITValidation of invoices from the previous year on the Finance Portal (e-invoice)
February 29thPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents
February 29thPIT-CITInventory communication
March 5thPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
March 11thPITMonthly remuneration statement
March 20thVATPeriodic statement
March 20thVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
March 20thStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
April 1stPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents
April 5thPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
April 10thPITMonthly remuneration statement
April 22ndVATPeriodic statement
April 22ndVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
April 22ndVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers (quarterly)
April 22ndStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
Before the month's endPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents
May 2nd-31stPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents
May 6thPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
May 10thPITMonthly remuneration statement
May 20thVATPeriodic statement
May 20thVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
May 20thStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
May 20thVATPeriodic statement (quarterly)
May 31stCITDeclaration mod. 22 (taxpayers whose tax period coincides with the calendar year)
June 5thPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
June 10thPITMonthly remuneration statement
June 20thVATPeriodic statement
June 20thVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
June 20thStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
July 1stPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents
July 1stPITDeclaration mod. 3
July 5thPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
July 10thPITMonthly remuneration statement
July 22ndVATPeriodic statement
July 22ndVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
July 22ndVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers (quarterly)
July 22ndStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
July 31stPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents
September 2ndPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents
September 2ndPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
September 2ndVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
September 2ndStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
September 2ndPITMonthly remuneration statement
September 5thPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
September 10thPITMonthly remuneration statement
September 16thIECSubmission of a declaration relating to the release of tobacco products for consumption to the customs office
September 20thVATPeriodic statement
September 20thVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
September 20thStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
September 20thVATPeriodic statement (quarterly)
Before the month's endPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents
October 2nd-31stPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents
October 7thPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
October 10thPITMonthly remuneration statement
October 21stVATPeriodic statement
October 21stVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
October 21stVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers (quarterly)
October 21stStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
November 5thPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
November 11thPITMonthly remuneration statement
November 20thVATPeriodic statement
November 20thVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
November 20thStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
November 20thVATPeriodic statement (quarterly)
December 2ndPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents
December 5thPIT-CIT-VATCommunication of invoice elements or their non-existence
December 10thPITMonthly remuneration statement
December 20thVATPeriodic statement
December 20thVATRecapitulative statement for taxpayers
December 20thStampMonthly stamp tax declaration
Before the month's endPIT-CITDeclaration of income paid or made available to non-residents

Note: Several changes are expected for the PIT (Personal Income Tax) brackets in 2024, including a decrease in rates up to the 5th bracket. Inform yourself about these changes before submitting any PIT declaration.

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Tax Calendars

What is a Tax Calendar?

In Portugal, a tax or fiscal calendar is a schedule featuring important deadlines related to taxes and fiscal obligations that taxpayers, whether individuals or legal entities, need to fulfill throughout the year. It generally includes deadlines for tax reporting, tax payment, submission of fiscal documents, and other tax obligations.

A tax calendar also serves as a guide to help taxpayers meet their fiscal responsibilities, avoiding fines for delays in fulfilling obligations to tax authorities.

What Are the Benefits of a Tax Calendar?

Here are some of the main benefits of a tax calendar: 

  • Better financial planning: With a tax calendar, taxpayers know in advance what contributions are due.
  • Fewer fines: By knowing the deadlines for reports, tax payments, and other obligations, taxpayers can avoid fines for delays.
  • Document organization: Facilitates the organization of necessary documents for tax declarations, ensuring all data and information are ready at the right time.
  • Reduced stress: Many taxpayers feel anxious about paying their taxes and missing deadlines with the AT. Therefore, having an organized tax calendar contributes to stress reduction.

Attention: A tax calendar is an extremely useful tool that helps you fulfill your legal responsibilities with greater security and efficiency. However, it should never replace professional advice. To ensure you never miss a periodic declaration, consult with experts.

What Are the Taxes in the Fiscal Calendar in 2024?

The Portuguese fiscal calendar for 2024 includes five main different types of taxes: Personal Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Stamp Duty, Value Added Tax, and Unique Circulation Tax. Here's what each of these taxes represents: 

  • Personal Income Tax (PIT): PIT applies to the income of individuals in Portugal. It's a progressive tax, meaning the more you earn, the higher the tax rate. It covers income such as salaries, pensions, and capital gains (among others). Freelancers working in Portugal are also obliged to pay these taxes.
  • Corporate Income Tax (CIT): CIT is the tax applied to the profits of companies in Portugal. It's a type of business tax that applies to the income of legal entities such as corporations, companies, and other profit-making entities.
  • Stamp Duty: It's a tax that applies to acts, contracts, documents, titles, operations, and other situations specified by law. It can also apply to a wide range of transactions, such as lease contracts, credits, insurance contracts, and others.
  • Value Added Tax (VAT): VAT is an indirect tax that applies to the consumption of goods and services. It´s charged at all stages of production and distribution but effectively paid for by the consumer. There are different VAT rates for different types of goods and services. 
  • Unique Circulation Tax (IUC): An annual tax applied to motor vehicles registered in Portugal. The value of IUC varies according to various vehicle characteristics, such as engine displacement, age, and fuel type.

Each of the above-mentioned taxes has specific rules and regulations that must be followed by individuals and companies according to Portuguese tax legislation.

Autoridade Atributária e Aduaneira (AT) and Finance Portal

What is the Role of the AT and the Finance Portal?

AT is the body responsible for the administration of taxes in Portugal. Its main functions include tax collection, tax audits, and management of customs matters (such as controlling goods entering and leaving the country).
The Finance Portal, or Portal das Finanças in Portuguese, is an online platform where taxpayers can perform various operations related to taxes and other fiscal matters. Through the platform, it's possible to submit tax declarations, pay taxes, access general and specific taxpayer information, and communicate directly with AT for clarification of doubts. The Finance Portal also provides digital services such as e-invoicing, known as e fatura in Portugal.

How Can I Pay Taxes or Submit Declarations on the Finance Portal?

Paying taxes on the Finance Portal couldn't be simpler! Just do the following: 

1. Go to the Finance Portal website and log in. To do so, you'll need a taxpayer number, also known as NIF.

2. In the main menu, select "Pay" to pay taxes or "Submit" to submit declarations.

3. Choose the tax or periodic declaration you want to pay/submit (search for "PIT" or "CIT" to easily find the tax).

4. Fill in the required data. 

5. Complete the payment or declaration submission. 

6. Keep documentary records of the operation for future tax purposes. 

Each type of tax or declaration may have a specific process on the Finance Portal, so make sure to follow the guidelines provided on the site for the particular type of action you want to perform. If you have doubts or difficulties, the Finance Portal support can be contacted for additional assistance.

Tips for Good Fiscal Conduct

Having a tax calendar is great for keeping your fiscal health in check, but there are other hacks that can help individuals and companies never miss a payment or submission deadline.

In conclusion, here are some of our suggestions: 

  • Keep your financial and fiscal documents organized and up-to-date. 
  • Understand the different taxes that apply to you. 
  • Pay your taxes within the established deadlines to avoid fines and interest for delays. 
  • Be accurate and honest when filling out your tax declarations. 
  • Stay aware of any legislative changes that may affect you. 

In case of doubt, consult with experts. If you are starting a business or startup in Portugal and need help keeping your accounts in order, the business services of the Rauva super app can assist you:

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Written by Bernardo Barbosa

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Rauva is partnered with Swan who will be providing all payment services to Rauva clients. Rauva does not have access to client funds. Funds are kept in accounts provided by Swan, held in BNP Paribas. Swan is an EMI, based in France, supervised, and regulated by ACPR/Banque de France. Swan is authorized to carry out such services in Portugal and registered with Banco de Portugal under the registration number 7893.
Rauva is a certified accounting firm, but is not a certified legal services provider. As such, Rauva does not provide legal services. Rauva acts as an intermediary who facilitates the introduction to our customers of legal services partners who are legally registered and certified in Portugal.