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Celebrate a small business

To honour Portuguese entrepreneurial drive, Rauva invites you to join a movement to give SMEs the recognition they deserve.
Join the movement
SME day cover
SME day cover

Let’s spotlight Portuguese SMEs!

June 27th is the International SME Day, established by UN. Join us celebrating the SME that form 99,9% of our businesses and drive our growth, making everything happen, even with so little support. It's time to change that.

How to support businesses

Share a photo or video about your favourite small business on your social media platforms, tag #abracaumpequenonegocio and @rauva_app so we can re-post it.

If you are an entrepreneur
Record a video up to 50 seconds long with a brief intro of your business. Share what inspired you to start and how people can contact you.Post it as a “story” on your social media and tag @rauva_app.Fill out the form and get promoted by us!

Find small yet mighty businesses for all your needs

Join the movement and spotlight your business

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©Rauva - 2024
Rauva is partnered with Swan who will be providing all payment services to Rauva clients. Rauva does not have access to client funds. Funds are kept in accounts provided by Swan, held in BNP Paribas. Swan is an EMI, based in France, supervised, and regulated by ACPR/Banque de France. Swan is authorized to carry out such services in Portugal and registered with Banco de Portugal under the registration number 7893.
Rauva is a certified accounting firm, but is not a certified legal services provider. As such, Rauva does not provide legal services. Rauva acts as an intermediary who facilitates the introduction to our customers of legal services partners who are legally registered and certified in Portugal.